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Meet Caroline...

Connecting with your trainer is super important. I want you to know as much as you can about who I am & how I train, so you can confidently decide if we're a good fitness "fit". I've linked my social medias here, but please scroll beyond that!! You'll find testimonials from some pretty incredible clients and I believe they describe my training style a lot better than I could!

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"I started getting coached by Caroline back in 2020. I have thoroughly enjoyed and greatly benefited from the total workouts that she custom created for my needs. I feel empowered to do my workouts as she motivates me with out making me feel guilty. My aim was to become healthier and I now am stronger in my 50's than I was in my 40's. As I work in a job that requires lots of lifting and hours on my feet, I am so grateful for the strength and flexibility I have gained through consistent, very doable fitness training."
~ Anonymous
"I had done a few 6 week workout sessions with Caroline before joining Grit & Grace. Signing up for 6 months was nerve racking because I thought that time commitment was really scary. I knew I enjoyed working out with her program but 6 months sounded daunting. I am now 5 months in and I look forward to the days we work out! I feel I have more energy, I am stronger and I have some muscles to show! 3 days a week is the perfect amount of workouts to fit in a week, even with a school age kid and a baby at home! The workouts are simple but you can definitely feel them. Caroline also shows modifications in case you are not able to do a certain workout. My favorite part of it all is that she is super approachable and supportive!!!! And she tells amazing jokes during the workout sessions!! :)"
~ Debby
“I absolutely loved Grit & Grace! Caroline always put a smile on my face, was always cheerful and so encouraging. The exercises that she would do are challenging but not so hard you couldn't do the full workout and she would always encourage you to modify, to do what is right for you/your body."
~ Kylene
"Caroline's workouts are easy to follow. They are great for beginners and more advanced people! I love how easy it is to use the replay and do them whenever I can during the day. Caroline is great at showing modifications for moves and encouraging you to push yourself!"
~ Amanda
"I feel better about myself after working with Caroline. I look forward to my days that I exercise. In the beginning it was discipline, now I know it is benefitting me. So I do them on the days I am supposed to. It is fun!"
~ Anonymous
“These workouts are just what I needed! Caroline is an amazing trainer - she is very relatable, understanding and encouraging! She posts a replay so that we can do it anytime we want, which is perfect for a busy Mom like me! She is constantly showing modifications, and reminding of the correct ways to do these exercises - it is truly geared to all people, whether you are a beginner or more experienced. I look forward to our workouts because she makes them a lot of fun!
I seriously love Caroline Loewen Fitness!!"
~ April
"When I first started training with Caroline, I didn't see the strength in me that she saw. Now I look at the schedule and plans she makes for me and I have confidence that I can do what once seemed impossible. Not only does she push me in our one on one sessions, she also challenges me to do other activities outside of our training. Having Caroline as my trainer is one of the best health decisions I've made to date. "
~ Christine
"I joined Grit & Grace at the start of the year (2023) and it is the most amazing program for people at all different seasons of life! Caroline is so great at explaining modifications and not making you feel bad at all about needing them! I'm so happy I signed up for 3 months!! The feeling of when you are done a workout is like nothing else!! 
~ Alanna
"The energy Caroline brings to all her classes is contagious and I finish the workout feeling empowered and motivated to get through the rest of the day. The classes fit perfectly into my morning routine. I really enjoy the variety of strength, cardio and core she
incorportates into each class!"
~ Brittany
“Caroline is an inspiration. She keeps me going and never gave up. Her weekly message makes such a difference. I'm presently going through medical issues and Caroline was there to support me, tried to give different exercises to help me still get to my goals and I truly love her for that. Her motivation to keep you moving and working to reach that next level is inspiring."
~ Cindy
"Working with Caroline has been such a good experience. She will encourage and push you to be better and stronger! The workout plans she's made for me have actually made me enjoy working out. She has the most caring, bubbly personality which makes the days we meet up so fun!"
~ Taylor
“Working out with Grit & Grace has got me feeling so much better, in just 2 months after signing up I started feeling stronger. I have never stuck with a plan for more then 2 weeks before, but having a coach like Caroline who checks in and encourages me has made this a plan that I want to be a part of for a very long time!"
~ Cheryl
"Caroline is very supportive both technically and professionally with our workouts. Workouts are progressive in difficulty with appropriate modifications to include the variety of fitness levels. Most important is her positive energy, as well as her encouragement and unwavering support."
~ Arlene
"Caroline never makes you feel bad if you need to modify. She tries hard to reach people right where they are at in their fitness and health journey. She also gives practical tips for healthy habits and choices. Her enthusiasm and joy for physical fitness is infectious"
~ Angela

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Caroline is Certified through NASM as a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES).

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